Can Georgia Power’s SiteView assist in investigating motor vehicle accidents?
Peachtree Corners will begin participating in Georgia Power’s SiteView video surveillance and license plate reader program in summer 2020.
What is SiteView?
SiteView is a surveillance and security tool offered by Georgia Power. It provides customers with the option of obtaining a high-definition camera system that are mounted on new or existing outdoor lighting poles. The captured video is sent directly to the customer’s on-site video recorder or third-party-cloud-based storage. Georgia Power does not have access to the video feeds.
SiteView is managed by Georgia Power Lighting Services, which maintains and operates a large number of street and area lights throughout the state.
How will Peachtree Corners use SiteView?
The cameras will be placed at 15 entry points. All will be installed on utility poles and streetlights. The footage will be available to the Gwinnett County Police Department.
How can this assist in a car accident investigation?
In many cases, both parties deny fault in a car accident. Neither party wants to admit wrongdoing because they want to avoid the consequences that come with being the liable party. They don’t want to receive a traffic citation and they don’t want a claim to be filed against their auto insurance.
Unfortunately, there are times where none witnessed the accident and the only individuals that can provide a narrative are the involved parties. The officer on scene will listen to both parties, assess the damage on the vehicles, and utilize their experience to determine whose at fault. However, there are instances where the officer cannot make that determination and will give both parties a citation, give no party a citation, or give the wrong party a citation.
This is where SiteView might assist. The footage is available to the police so they can view the events leading to the accident. In addition, attorneys may have the ability to request the footage with an open records request.
If you have been hit by someone in a vehicle accident near at Peachtree Corners near Chamblee, Georgia, the car accident lawyers at The Law offices of Daniela McCalla, LLC can help. Call 678-392-0905 for a free initial consultation.